Saturday, February 6, 2010

Back to Blogging....

Well I have been very lazy about keeping up with my blog. I promise I will start updating more often.

Ok...just as well start now! I have two major running goals in 2010. First one is to run the Go St. Louis Half....I mean literally run the entire half. I am not worrying over time I just want to run the whole way. By the way that race is April 11th. Then I want to run my first full marathon...I plan on it being St Jude in Memphis in December. Those are two BIG goals. I am struggling to train for the half because I have problems with the problem is it is too cold! LOL! I try to go to the gym and run on the TM but I hate running there and everyone looking at you...yeah I may be a little self-conscious. I went to the gym Thursday and ran on the TM and let me tell you what happened. I go and decide to take my running underwear to put on under my b-ball shorts instead of my running shorts. Well I get in the changing room...old men so I decide not to put on my running undershorts and just run in regular underwear...MISTAKE!. Lets just say I have a rub spot in a place no person wants or needs one...LOL! My wife thinks it is hilarious but I don't see that much humor in the situation.

Ok so this is my Saturday update. Have a great day fellow bloggers.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Training for my half...

My half is 8 weeks out and I am soooo far behind. One plus is I have a buddy a work that is running with me so it keeps me accountable on these cold mornings when I am tempted to stay in that warm cozy bed....Can you tell I really like that warm bed...LOL. I'm running the half even if I have to walk part of it...I have my mind made up.

Well that about sums it all up.

Have a blessed day!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

My longest yet...

I get up this AM and stuck my head out contemplating whether to run or not. You know I had all the good is real foggy (which I knew it would not be in town) and it was a cool 50 degrees (not cold for most but remember I'm a southern boy transplanted in Ill.) but I decided to go give it a try and just see how I do. Well I get out there and I am feeling great so I turn down a road I never go to add more to my run. When I finally turn back toward the Jeep the good feeling feels like it's coming up out of my stomach. But...I keep pushing and when I got back to my Jeep I had ran my longest yet...3.63 miles. I know it may not be a lot for you marathoners but it is a milestone for me!

Have a awesome blessed day!


Thursday, September 24, 2009

Still going...

I have been continuing to run more and more. I went my longest 3.4 miles a couple of days ago. Went I eat properly I can tell it on my runs, problem is I struggle with the eating. I have never been overweight (bad) so I have always just ate the way I wanted...which means a bunch of junk food. So starting in the AM I will begin eating better. I know I need to eat for fuel not pleasure but it is hard. Well I'll post in a couple of days and let you know how it is going.



Monday, September 21, 2009

Still in there...

I'm still running..LOL. I have begun my training for my half in 11 weeks. I have to admit I have not been as dedicated as the program calls for but hey I'm trying. I'm really concerned about training through out fall and into the winter...remember I am a southern boy transplanted in Illinois...I do not do cold well. I have bought all the winter stuff...gloves, hat, tights, and cold weather shirts...I just struggle getting out there. SO if you have any suggestions let me know.

That's all for tonight.


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Today I begin clean eating to train for half...

Although my half marathon training does not officially begin till next Monday I wanted to try to start eating better beginning this week. Today went ok I miss the diet cokes. I drank some diet coke at lunch but no were near what I usually drink. I know it will be a struggle because in the past I ate for pleasure not fuel so it will take some getting use to.

Have a wonderful day everyone!


Monday, September 7, 2009

Ran my second 5k this AM...

My wife and I got to the race this AM and I was shocked at how many runners were there. So I got checked in and done a short warm up. I lined up toward the back, I have a motto..."I'd rather pass than be passed" I start in the back. LOL! I had a self goal of finishing in under 30:00 minutes...I know not very fast but hard for me. So the race begin and as I always do I ran the first mile way too fast for myself, then at about 1.75 miles I was sucking air...LOL! I did have to take a few short walk breaks but I finished. I came it at 29:05 (unofficial)! I made my goal! This is were I pat myself on the back...LOL!

Ok that is my 5k update.

Have a great day!