Saturday, February 6, 2010

Back to Blogging....

Well I have been very lazy about keeping up with my blog. I promise I will start updating more often.

Ok...just as well start now! I have two major running goals in 2010. First one is to run the Go St. Louis Half....I mean literally run the entire half. I am not worrying over time I just want to run the whole way. By the way that race is April 11th. Then I want to run my first full marathon...I plan on it being St Jude in Memphis in December. Those are two BIG goals. I am struggling to train for the half because I have problems with the problem is it is too cold! LOL! I try to go to the gym and run on the TM but I hate running there and everyone looking at you...yeah I may be a little self-conscious. I went to the gym Thursday and ran on the TM and let me tell you what happened. I go and decide to take my running underwear to put on under my b-ball shorts instead of my running shorts. Well I get in the changing room...old men so I decide not to put on my running undershorts and just run in regular underwear...MISTAKE!. Lets just say I have a rub spot in a place no person wants or needs one...LOL! My wife thinks it is hilarious but I don't see that much humor in the situation.

Ok so this is my Saturday update. Have a great day fellow bloggers.